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A viewpoint is the way in which we see things. In addition to the perspective from which we view an event, it also describes our assessments and opinions as well as the emotions that are linked to it. According to the latest neuroscience findings, feelings and emotions have a considerable effect on our decisions.

Viewpoints influence our thoughts and thus our behaviors. They are mostly driven on the subconscious level by implicit assumptions. Because of this, they have a direct impact on the results we achieve. They can limit us or expand our room for manoeuvre equally.

Our viewpoints are largely responsible for how we shape our (working) lives.

It gives us the opportunity to break out of our thought prisons. It helps us benefit from the diversity of ideas and thus find a new, open form of collaboration and community.

Life Institut has been building on the power of viewpoints for decades. In order to make these easy to harness, we developed the viewpoints broadening programs. There are different versions for individuals, teams, organizations and communities.

Broadening viewpoints opens people up to transformation. This leads insight driven to self-conviction and  causes people to act because they want to.

Viewpoints are the key to understanding a person’s individual mode of operation. This way they explain how we perceive happenings, remember ourself on them, think and judge in a specific situation. In contrast to this biases describe, from a scientific standpoint, systematic, incorrect, often unconscious tendencies when perceiving, remembering, thinking and judging.

Broadening viewpoints causes you to work in a practical, results-oriented and sustainable fashion to identify and avoid your biases.

If I take on a perspective, I’m looking at something from the outside. When I address a viewpoint, I’m reflecting myself with respect to a specific situation.

A shift in perspective is a technique, whereas broadening viewpoints describes an approach.

You will be able to access new options. This will spark the fire within you and those around you and release positive energy. You will get to know various mindsets and harness them to suit your needs. You will make decisions that are right for you more quickly and easily. You will have more freedom and balance.

In the context of broadening viewpoints, you will identify the viewpoints and assumptions that limit you. You will dissolve these limiting viewpoints and feel enthusiastic about the new room for manoeuvre through your newly acquired viewpoints. In this way, broadening viewpoints will cause you to take action, both intellectually and emotionally. You will then want to harness the opportunities you have identified as quickly as possible.

With the help of our game-changing Rethinking Cloud, which combines artificial intelligence (AI) with human intelligence and many years’ worth of experience working with viewpoints.

Exploratory dialog helps people find new solutions for (collective) challenges. In an exploratory dialog, empathetic listening is combined by elements of collective learning.

Our viewpoints broadening program gives individuals as well as teams the opportunity to break free of their thought prisons. The insight driven process leads to self-conviction. In case of a team this becomes the fertile ground on which the shared vision grows, one that is implemented by the entire team.

Viewpoints broadening programs are very effective aids to help people reach their next level. This makes viewpoints broadening programs a tool that belongs in every coaching toolbox. If you’re interested, contact us.

Exploratory dialog makes the collective intelligence of people in the municipality accessible and makes people in your municipality open for transformation. As a result, through self-conviction, all stakeholders find a shared vision which they then support and act on.

Simply use our contact form to reach out, and we’ll send you a whole list of suggestions with good reference sources on this exciting topic.